Before applying for your loan, utilize the calculator below to determine what to expect in regards to monthly payments and total costs for your loan over various loan terms, interest rates and loan amounts. It's important that you apply for a loan that you are going to be able to afford the payments on. Also, lenders are not going to approve loans that applicants are not going to be able afford. So be realistic with your request. We also suggest your read our section on Borrowing Tips. Featured are various topics that will help make you a more educated borrower.
The lenders we work offer loans for as much as $35,000 with terms ranging from one to six years. Not all lenders can provide up to $35,000. Repayment terms vary by lenders and local laws, and not everyone will qualify for maximum borrowing terms or loan amounts.
Each lender has different loan terms, such as the loan amount, the APR for the loan, repayment schedules, etc. Each lender is required by federal law to present to you the terms of the loan, the rates and all costs associated with the loan prior to you executing the loan documents. Please feel free to exit the process at any time as you are under no obligation to accept the loan presented.